Haptic Diary: Researching Gesture as a Multi-Sensory Haptic Feedback
Haptic Diary entitled “The Sound of Water” belongs since Aug 2018 to art book collection of Rikhardinkatu Library.
Within this book there are materials that give a tactile feedback and some form of the interaction with the aim to stimulate the user continue and connect all parts together creatively by following the pages. In this effect, the series of feedback encourages the users to absorb the information from their diverse range of senses and “read” the “text” that is neither written nor narrated.
The idea of a series of haptic books seems a functional one since contemporary technology permits playful, low-budget realisations which I research. Moreover, such interactions place the observer in the position of an active reader. In these new haptic books words are only used in a non-linear narration, thus sharing equal importance with the texture, the sound and the slight vibrations that the body of work entails and in order to react-respond. The idea is to create a tool for various readers to cultivate a link of perception and communication patterns, transforming hearing-seeing disabilities to a poetic global communication code of full sensorium.
Publication in: Musical Gesture as Creative Interface, Porto International Conference Proceeding, 2016. pp.79-80