Pentimento: synchronising the senses in a timely and timeless approach

Solo Exhibition, Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies, Finland

January 2017

Parenthetical Windows is an installation that proposes a lighting design juxtaposed with sound and fragrances and triggered by the users’ selection based on their kinaesthetical perception. The research aims to emerge innovative technology, as well as materials that our contemporary civilisation offers a comfortable shelter and functions as replica of the real world. To name a few: light for treatment of seasonal effective disorder, fragrances that have been created solely in the lab (and substitute the real ones gradually in the market!), as well as ambiance music samples.

The installation functions as a calibration-balance environment for the users awareness, a minimalistic structure based on a sensitive and delicate lighting design that changes through the pattern of inner need for a constant re-balance on its projection, based on circadian rhythm. Parenthetical Windows is a trans-disciplinary project that researches the aesthetical termini of “augmented” and “replicated” in respect of their artistic projection as well as in matters of medical health. 


Esther Luppander has once been a young girl with long legs, and in our memory has remained so, binding her dancing shoes in an interrior room for more than 135 years. What if she grew old, quit dancing, or perished, same as the painter of the masterpiece depicting her, Helene Schjerfbeck. Her work is a gem for research in lighting design. This artwork represents a valuable capturer of a moment before artificial intelligence has lead the roleplay to our entertainment. From the abandoment of the main character on the picture “Balskorne” the research work in progress “Parenthetical Windows” follows the thread on the natural and the artificial-replicated approach we share in the contemporary life in all senses. Starting with the 24th circle of circadian rhythm e.g. measuring time approach and individual limits and needs in light and darkness in order to manifest eternal rhythm in communication stamina and fatigue levels.



the tough and the cute dancer


9 sounds