interviewed by Anabel Roque Rodriguez

What are your thoughts on fame in the art world?

I started working as an artist around the millennium, when curators seemed to earn more fame and glory as the artists themselves, therefore, during my master degree, I have learned how to collaborate and work within the new reality of sharing “fame” with colleagues, instead of building a single artistic persona, that would gain fame individually. However, I think that fame functions merely through “gossip technology”, with all media patterns like word of mouth, fabrication of media personae and a focus on the appearance of things: the fabrication of a product. It is probably a side-effect of how the significance of art shifted into a product closely linked to fame and that has led the big institutions to focus more on fame, than the works of artists them-selves. In other words, I see fame as a spotlight created in art spaces with such an architecture and symbolic value, where the longer you stay under that same spotlight (e.g, the self/ or the product) the more famous you become - it is a self fulfilling prophecy.

watch full interview here


Les Musiques 2019